Thursday, November 6, 2008

Belgium, Belgians help non Belgians!

Belgium is a small country, and yet there is soooo much to visit, to see. It is also very well located to travel to other countries, as France, Netherlands, Germany, UK.
As many of you live in this nice country and on the other hand many of you will come to the wedding from far... Belgians, lets help the non Belgians discover our country. I propose, Belgians, tell what you think poeple should visit during their stay, cities, nature, ...... Also for the one's having some time and wanting to, you can propose yourself as a guide, a guesthouse.
On the other hand poeple that are from an other country, let know what you would like to visit!
The goal is not to give poeple extra stress......It could be a nice way to get to know each other before the big day and discover a wonderfull country. Feel free!!! No obligations!

You can leave your information as a comment on the blog, or send me an email. :-)

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